Grades 7-12 School Choice

The Lincoln School District (LSD) operates its own school– the Lincoln Community School– for children in grades K-6. Lincoln School District is a choice school district for students in grades 7 to 12.  While the majority of Lincoln middle and high school students attend Mount Abraham Unified School District (MAUSD) in grades 7-12, pursuant to 16 V.S.A. §§ 11, 821-28, 1073, 1075 families of any student who is a resident of Lincoln School District in grades 7-12 may choose to enroll their student in any public high school or approved independent school

How do I start the choice enrollment process for my student?

If you plan to enroll your student at MAUSD you want to complete MAUSD’s new student enrollment forms. If you have any questions you can also contact Jada Roberge, MAUSD Registrar directly at or 802-453-7028. Because we work closely with MAUSD, we would appreciate it if you would also take a moment to complete the Tuition Request form below.

Families interested in having their student attend schools other than MAUSD should contact the school of choice to begin the enrollment process.

How does tuition get paid to the choice school?  

To request Lincoln School District issue payment to the enrolling school, families should complete the Request for Tuition form below.  If proof of residency in Lincoln has not yet been established, families will need to also submit the Proof of Residency form, also below. A separate application must be submitted for each student. 

Tuition will be paid to schools approved by the State of Vermont for the receipt of public tuition dollars. The Lincoln School Board will authorize tuition payments in accordance with the Agency of Education’s recommendations. No tuition will be forwarded to the enrolling school without the information provided to the Lincoln School District. 

The approved allowable tuition paid to enrolling schools is determined annually by the Vermont Agency of Education and is typically announced in April annually.  Parents are responsible for any dollars above that amount. 

How will transportation work?

Currently the Lincoln School District provides bussing to middle and high school students attending Mount Abraham Unified School District (MAUSD).  At this point, there is no transportation provided to other schools.  Families who are interested in having their student attend schools other than MAUSD schools would need to arrange for their own child’s transportation to that school.

Request for Tuition Payment

Proof of Residency Forms